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Washington Sec J

Highway 2 / Tye Cr. Lodge to Interstate 90
8-14-24 to 8-14-24
74.5 mi   83.0 mi/day
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Start Point: Highway 2 / Tye Cr. Lodge
Trail access desc: on trail
Guidebook start location: Highway 2 crossing
Depart: 8-14-24 (Wed)

Plan Overview Notes:
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1. Highway 2 / Tye Cr. Lodge to Interstate 90  (0.9 days)
8-14-24 to 8-14-24

74.5 mi
12,390 ft EG
83.0 mi/day
13,803 ft/day

OR/WA guidebook:J

Adjustments: none
Interstate 90 finish    
Exit pt:  Interstate 90 crossing

Arrive:  8-14-24 (Wed)

Cumulative distance: 74.5 mi


Highway 2 / Tye Cr. Lodge to Interstate 90
8-14-24 to 8-14-24
(southbound hike)

days walking

on trail layover days

in town layover days
(0.0 in town "zero" days)

Total days

without layovers:
83.0 mi/day

13,803 ft/day

with layovers:
83.0 mi/day

13,803 ft/day

Base Distance:
74.5 mi

Extra Distance:
0.0 mi

Total Distance:
74.5 mi

Base Elevation gain:
12,390 ft

Extra EG:
0 ft

Total Elevation gain:
12,390 ft

Resupply count:

Plan Considerations:
If you are planning a longer hike, the plan above might be incredibly accurate or completely off. You might find that after a month of hiking your pace will change. You might find out that you are a Secret Superman (or Wonder Woman) and are knocking out a lot more miles per day than you planned. On the downside, a forest fire might add a +10 mile detour or a sore foot might cause you to spend a few extra days in a town.

Disclaimer: all calculations and data are believed to be correct but are not guaranteed.
Please double check the calculations and trail/resupply data before starting a hike.